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Want to get on top of your career?
Alex Young
Learning to love preparation
Preparing for reaching our goals helps us live a life that allows us to pursue the challenges and rewards that we truly want to achieve.
Alex Young
Overcoming negative thoughts
Our thoughts are outside of our control. They come and go on their own accord. We don’t choose them but rather, they choose us.
Alex Young
Einstein’s theory on fucks to give
Deciding what it is you love to do and making a plan then sticking to said plan to get you where you want to go may sound so complex that...
Alex Young
Getting into flow: How to focus on what you love to do
One of the best ways out of distraction is finding your way into flow. Here are 9 (free) straight forward ways to get more of what you love
Alex Young
5 points to consider when balancing work and life
Work:life balance is a commonly spoken about phenomenon. We are encouraged to ensure we don’t ‘work more than we live’ in order to be...
Alex Young
How to avoid burnout by practising 7 types of rest
There are actually 7 types of rests, according to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith. Let’s delve into what these are!
Alex Young
How to take action if you're struggling to work towards your goals
This post outlines 7 steps to help you work towards creating a fulfilled and happy life.
Alex Young
10 steps for sleeping better
Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life, health and longevity and yet it is increasingly neglected
Alex Young
Beating 'imposter syndrome' in 3 steps
This post breaks down why imposter syndrome happens and covers a 3 step plan to overcome it. Let’s get started!
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